Our Leadership Team
2025 Officers & Board Members
President Bill Trimble
Vice President Andre Olagues
Secretary Chris Pease
Treasurer Sue Wilder
2024 Board Members
Byron Almquist
Walt Burgoyne
Donna Bush
John Paul Duet
David Muth
Doug Ramagos
Standing Committee Chairs
Membership Committee: Walt Borgoyne
Nominating Committee: John Paul Duet
USFWS Liaison
Becky Larkins, Supervisory Refuge Ranger
We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the mission of the Southeast Louisiana Wildlife Refuges.

Our Mission
The principal purpose for which this non-profit corporation is organized is to engage in promoting better awareness, appreciation, and conservation of the natural environment on the refuges of the Southeast Louisiana Refuges Complex: to promote programs and services that will enhance the quality of the refuges under the jurisdiction of the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service, Southeast Louisiana Refuges; and, to work with other agencies and organizations to raise funds and direct resources towards visitor services, educational, interpretative, and environmental projects which, without assistance would not be accomplished solely through the efforts of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
We support our refuges, our local communities and our organization through education, building partnerships and fund raising. The Board of Directors of the Friends of
Louisiana Wildlife Refuges (FLWR) is guided by our by-laws.
Minutes of our Board Meetings, Tax Documentation and Financial Reports are available
upon request by mail to:
Friends of Louisiana Wildlife Refuges
61389 Highway 434
Lacombe, LA 70445
Education and Awareness
Support Refuge Needs
We support our refuge's mission to educate the public about the environment and conservation.

Leadership in community growth
Develop local community partnerships in support of refuges
We contribute to the growth of our local communities by supporting refuge events.

Increase Organization Resources
Work with local community to increase organization
We rely on our members, partners, sponsors and donors to increase our funding and opportunities to build our Friends organization.