Friends are called upon to assist in myriad ways. We want to help your refuges continue to protect wildlife habitat and provide the public with opportunities to visit, enjoy and learn.
Your membership dues enable us to:
Leverage funds for grants for refuge projects
Pay stipends for student interns that assist limited refuge staff, and enable them to explore wildlife-related careers
Offer free environmental education programs on the refuges and in classrooms throughout our communities
Maintain and upgrade visitor center exhibits at the refuge Lacombe headquarters complex
Hold public events such as the Bayou Gardens Open House, the annual Youth Fishing Rodeo, Cajun Christmas Celebration, and the very popular October "Wild Things"

Your membership helps you take an active part in making these programs possible. Membership is open to any individual, family, or organization interested in supporting the Friends of Louisiana Wildlife Refuges. Members receive an e-Newsletter with articles about our activities and volunteer opportunities and a 15% discount at the Gift Shop in the Lacombe, La. refuge complex Visitor Center.

Get started by filling out the membership information form below, then clicking on the "Submit Membership Information" button which will direct you to our membership options. Payments can be processed online or directly mailed to our mailing address:
Friends of Louisiana Wildlife Refuges
61389 HWY 434 Lacombe, LA 70445